PSA - Online Hearing Care
LINE@ PSA Charitable Foundation

The “Most” of the Ear

Howdy, people! I am Dor-Dor, the PSA guardian angel of the ear.

How much do you know about your hearing health and ears? Let’s find out, are you ready!

Come up with the most suitable adjectives to fill in the blank. Before you move on to the next question, don’t forget to click the “?” icon to see our answers.

PSA guardian angel of the ear - Dor-Dor
TheAnswerbone in the human body is in the ear!
Thetiniestbone in the human body is in the ear!

The ossicular chain in the middle ear is composed of three tiny bones. They are responsible for delivering the sound energy from the external ear to the inner ear.

ossicles、auditory ossicles
TheAnswermuscle of the human body is in the ear!
Thesmallestmuscle of the human body is in the ear!

The stapedius muscle of the middle ear is responsible for controlling the ossicular chain and adjusting the sound energy input. It protects our ears from sudden loud noises.

auricular muscle
TheAnswerorgan of the body is the ear!
Themost diligentorgan of the body is the ear!

Our ears still work while we are asleep. They do not rest. That’s why we can hear the morning alarms and stay vigilant even in our dreams.

The most diligent of ear
Hearing is the sense we have with us for theAnswer
Hearing is the sense we have with us for thelongest

Hearing is the sense that develops the earliest and disappears the last. Hearing develops as early as the twentieth week during pregnancy. The ears detect and respond to sounds at the beginning of our life and accompany us all the way to the end.

Sensory ear
Human hearing range.

The reason we are able to distinguish between different speaking voices or appreciate melodious music is because human ears are sensitive to volume, frequency, and timbre of sounds. Human ears can detect sounds in a frequency range from 20 Hz to 20k Hz and in a volume range from 0 to 120 dB HL. Isn’t it amazing?

Also, cats can detect sounds in an even wider frequency range from 25 Hz to 78 kHz. This means that they are able to hear much higher frequency sounds than we do! A cat

Hearing Health Room

Can you imagine how many secrets are in our ears?
Our PSA Online Hearing care is the only educational platform in Taiwan solely dedicated to providing hearing health knowledge to the public. There are many more fun facts and interesting knowledge for you to discover here!

LINE@ PSA Charitable Foundation