PSA - Online Hearing Care
LINE@ PSA Charitable Foundation

If you need 40 dB HL, 50 dB HL, 50 dB HL, and 60 dB HL to hear the sounds of 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz, and 4000Hz respectively, your hearing threshold would be (40+50+50+60)/4=50 dB HL.

Think of it as hearing with fingers or ear plugs in the ears.

The average volume of speaking at an arm’s distance is about 55 dB HL, which means if someone has a hearing loss greater than 55 dB HL, he/she wouldn’t be able to hear normal conversations clearly.

Hearing Care for Seniors

Along with social changes and the improvement of medical and health care, the population ratio of 65 years old and above has reached 14% in Taiwan. Taiwan has officially entered the aged society and the government has implemented the 10-year long-term care plan 2.0 as a countermeasure. Age is one of the causes of hearing degeneration. With the implementation of long-term care 2.0, people start to take the issues of hearing care seriously. We should all pay more attention to the risk factors in our elders’ daily life, discover the signs of hearing loss in time, actively participate in the training and treatments, minimize the loss of cognitive function, and strengthen their connection with others.

LINE@ PSA Charitable Foundation